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Basketball Australia has recently updated its National Coaching Accreditation Scheme coach accreditation levels:
The theory component of the Community Coach Course and Club Coach Course will be completed online via “etrain u.” Coaches can complete the theory component in their own time and at their own pace.
All theory modules will be presented to allow candidates to experience coaching, being coached by each other and being coached. Formal coach accreditation courses have evolved tremendously during the past ten years. Courses were once about someone talking at you as a candidate and the challenge was to see how much you could write down. We will not present a heap of drills, instead, candidates need to show they are competent in being able to form a group, communicate key teaching points, provide effective and timely feedback to the participants, and increase/decrease the complexity of the activity to suit the needs of the participants.
With the implementation of new defensive rules in U12s in 2023, Basketball Tasmania has developed a resource folder for U12 Coaches. These resources are designed to help coaches understand the rule changes and rationale behind them.